Chronology of the scam on January 6.

January 6, 2021, was certainly one of the most bizarre days in history–and one of the most carefully, craftily orchestrated. The pro-Marxist Democrats, with the major lockstep media handling their PR, brazenly cheated at every other stage of this election–why would we be surprised that they openly cheated when it came to certifying the votes?

BIZARRE EVENT #1: That morning the nation’s headlines read variants of “PRO-TRUMP MOB STORMS CAPITOL.” An NPR Tweet read, “Trump Supporters Storm U.S. Capitol, Clash with Police Jan. 6, 2021, 9:33 AM ET.”

WAIT! Read that last sentence again: An NPR Tweet read, “Trump Supporters Storm U.S. Capitol, Clash with Police [dated] Jan. 6, 2021, 9:33 AM ET.”

Odd. How could any news source know at 9:33 that morning that the Capitol would be stormed by anyone, much less “pro-Trump mobs,” some 4 hours later? They knew because they had arranged for Antifa with “false flags” to storm the Capitol so they could call them “pro-Trump mobs.” They were anything but pro-Trump. Keep this in mind as you read on.

BIZARRE EVENT #2: Most of the important leaders of the nation would be gathered for a controversial event in the Capitol. The President himself would be speaking to up to a million of his followers–followers who had good reason to believe the president had been cheated out of his rightful second term–at the other end of the area.

The Democratic leaders had expressed concern that there might be violence. It had been reported that the National Guard were going to be called out to help keep order– but there was no sight of them. Odd.

The Capitol maintains a police force of 2,200+ officers. Yet eyewitnesses reported a puzzling, unprecedented lack of police presence on the grounds. Those few were either sent home, made to stand in a line facing away from the Capitol doing NOTHING to keep people out of it or actually summoning and assisting them to enter:

–Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann called the Capitol police presence “scant–I’ve been at joint sessions of Congress and usually you can’t get anywhere near that place. With the millions of people outside, there should have been MORE security. None of it made any sense.” (Oh, it makes sense all right. Just wait and see.)

–One police officer interviewed by a correspondent from a French news source that at 10 AM he and his fellow officers had been told to go home, that they were not needed. Noting the size of the crowds he was surprised at the order. Back home he watched the news and as the crowds built up, though he was not called back in, he came back on his own to be available if necessary.

–Dave Kubal, head of Intercessors for America (IFA), who was taking videos for a live prayer conference of some 2,500 people around the country, and who was in front of the Capitol all day, mentioned seeing not over 50 police officers at any one time, right up until news of the break-in, at which point they all ran around back to the breach.

–In one video 10 policeman are lined up, facing out, as people flow into the Capitol–but are doing NOTHING to prevent it. All of this could only be by design. Why was the police presence deliberately kept inadequate to prevent or handle a break-in, when the Left-leaning media and Democrat leaders said they expected, even feared, one? There weren’t enough police to keep people out of the Capitol because Pelosi’s people did not WANT to stop them.

INSTEAD AND BY CONTRAST–this is incredible–INSTEAD of calling up sufficient officers to keep the peace, to maintain law and order, a line of five charter busloads of Antifa revolutionaries were escorted and released onto the grounds by 3 state trooper cars. The buses were cheered as they arrived–not by Trump supporters, who were still on the other side of the grounds listening to the President.

Police officers are under authority, they do what they are told. Since the police presence was negligible and those who were present did NOTHING in some cases and actually opened up barricades and waved people through in other cases, it can only be because they were told to do so. (And if they were Antifa impersonating police, they too were under orders.) These orders had to come from the leaders of the House–they were planned. Those leaders did not WANT to prevent a break-in, had in fact arranged for it, so they could blame it on Republicans and on President Trump’s (imaginary) incitement to violence. (He really told the people to remain “peaceful.”) They engineered the entire situation. You don’t invite busloads of Antifa to your event if you don’t want them to create chaos for law-abiding people there. That’s what Antifa does.

Why were police kept to a minimum, even sent home, at the same time known anti-Trump, anti-police Antifa revolutionaries were welcomed to the grounds and cheered? Antifa, with Marxists from Black Lives Matter, spent the summer traveling from Democrat-run city to city stirring up violence, bombing, looting, committing arson, destroying businesses, assaulting police, breaking into homes, holding a good portion of Portland, OR under siege for well over 100 days and nights–Leftist media, of course, dismissed them as “peaceful protests.”

Is it any wonder that at the Capitol on January 6 a high percentage of the few police present ended up injured?

All of this was a set-up. The break-in was a set-up and the timing of the break-in was a set-up. There can be no doubt about it.

Inside the Capitol, Vice President Trump had just dismissed Senators and Representatives of the State of Arizona (contested states were to be dealt with alphabetically) to assemble separately and allow discussion of possible irregularities that would prove the state’s slate of electors for Biden illegal.

About 1 PM the President’s remarks ended, and, reminded by him to remain peaceful (no one took his reference to fighting for justice to mean by violence), supporters casually walked toward the Capitol in holiday spirits. They seemed to have no particular agenda. Michele Bachmann said in her interview with Eric Metaxas, “I had been outside with these people for two days, all afternoon and evening, praying with them. There was a wonderful happy spirit. There was not one angry speech, nothing like that, no mob mentality. It was like a big family reunion.”

Trump supporters approaching the Capitol, unaware of the break-in, were met by individuals dressed in black, urging them to “come on” and “come in.” They were waved through barriers at the bottom of the front steps and ran to the top, turning to cheer, wave and take selfies with each other.

The timing of the break-in was not coincidental. It gave the Democrats an excuse–which they undoubtedly designed–to table, forever, the evidence for a fraudulent election and declare that all the slates of electors certified.

Picture this:

–Headlines claiming “pro-Trump mobs” had stormed the Capitol–at 9:30 in the morning

–Minimal police presence at the Capitol, a high percentage of whom end up injured.

–Antifa bused in to mingle with and impersonate Trump supporters under “false flags”–tactics straight out of their revolutionary playbook.

Inside the Capitol, Senators and Representatives begin to be shown evidence of fraud in the election sufficient to overturn the results. Outside, Antifa is cued.

Working quickly, together and in sync, Antifa cells break into the building, leading naive Trump supporters with them. Breaking windows and doors, then ducking down to change their clothes to avoid being recognized, the perpetrators themselves run outside as “eyewitnesses” to non-existent “police brutality, stirring up anger to incite violence and shift blame for the Capitol break-in onto spectators.

–In the ensuing chaos, with the break-in as a ploy, the presentation of evidence is stopped and the certification of fraudulent ballots hastily conducted. As with every other part of the election process, the Democrats aborted the proceedings before they were over and claimed victory.

No coincidence. Fake Trump supporters breaking in to distract and steal the certification of fake votes, plotted out in advance.

It isn’t hard to put THIS jigsaw puzzle together. The whole thing was a set-up, a despicable set-up.

High treason.


–For discussion and pix/ videos of NPR Tweet, January 6 morning headlines, interview with cop who was sent home, 5 charter buses of Antifa arriving amid cheers, watch the first 21 minutes of GOD: “Get ready for a great celebration…” on this blog 1-11-21.

About Jessica Renshaw
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