INNOCENT PEOPLE NEVER HIDE, DENY OR COVER UP EVIDENCE: Michigan Secretary Benson trying to prevent release of forensic report on security and accuracy of voting machines


The Amistad Project* conducted a forensic audit on the voting machines that were used in Antrim County Michigan on Election Day. [*Amistad Project is the “election integrity watchdog” arm of the non-partisan Thomas More Society.] As in other states where Dominion computers and software was used, the forensic audit revealed an unacceptable 68% error rate.

13th Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer approved this report for release (see article below). But Michigan Secretary of State Marilyn Benson is blocking the release of these results.

There is only one reason she is blocking the truth of the fraud in the Antrim County election.

Election Integrity Watchdog Demands Judges Order Preservation of Evidence That Could Reveal Election Fraud Forensic audit of voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan reveals 68% error rate

ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society is announcing today that it is demanding the preservation of evidence in five key swing states in response to a bombshell report detailing the results of a forensic audit of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, which was approved for release by 13th Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer.

“We’re filing in all swing states a demand that judges step in and preserve evidence to avoid it from being destroyed or spoiled by the intentional or reckless acts of executive officials,” said Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project, which has previously filed election litigation in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 

The report claims that the “tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors.” The Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent.

“The error rate detailed in this report has implications for every state where we have litigation, and it comes on a day when officials are blocking legislators from having their say about elections in their states,” Kline said. “This joins with other compelling evidence that the elections in these states cannot be certified under the law.”

Investigators believe the error rate in Antrim County is an intentional flaw built into the software in order to compel “bulk adjudication” of ballots by election officials — a process that allows alteration of ballots with minimal or no meaningful oversight. Antrim County maintains records of the adjudication process for previous elections, but records for the 2020 election were either deleted or never entered, making it impossible to determine whether adjudicated ballots accurately reflected the intent of the voters.

The Michigan Bureau of Election also issued a memorandum on December 1 instructing election clerks that electronic poll book files must be deleted from all laptops and flash drives. The Amistad Project is asking judges in all swing states to issue emergency orders preventing state and local officials from destroying such evidence.

“In Michigan, the Secretary of State has ordered deletion of e-poll books and other evidence and also has taken affirmative steps to seal forensic evidence regarding the flaws in the operation of Dominion machines from both the public and from legislators who need access to this information in order to perform their constitutional duty,” Kline said. “This joins with the Michigan Attorney General threatening legislators with criminal investigation and possible prosecution if they disagree with her, and the Michigan Governor and other officials shutting down the peoples’ house and preventing them from gathering today to perform their constitutional duty.”

SOURCE Amistad Project

About Jessica Renshaw
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